Life seems so much stress

Wednesday, October 29, 2008 Edit This 0 Comments »
Talk about stress, i believe that work can give us so much stress, however, there has works that distressful at all.
No words to say...

I'm STRESS....

Huhu... life had become more complicated for me.. and problems comes in a bundle...

I just cant forget the movie i watch at ASTRO.. Kayangan... its not a new movie, and i like the storyline... simple but it does make me love it..

I guest i am too stress...

Pejam Matamu

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 Edit This 0 Comments »
A song that's suddenly has make me drown into it...


G Nola/Siti Nurhaliza

Kau dan aku
Di waktu itu
Cuba meniti titian
Lalu tersungkur
Kita tertawa

Kini semuanya
Kenangan saja
Dan kita telah dewasa
Engkau pun berjaya
Aku di sini bhagia


Dulu engkau
Kerna kealpaanmu
Oh... puncanya
hilang arah tujuan

Bersama beriring
Melangkah seganding
Setiap detik kau tempuh(inya)
Dengan nafas kesungguhan
Dengar bisikku

Genggam tanganmu
Pejam sekejap matamu
Lihatlah cahaya menunggu

Gapailah setiap cita mu
Dan kenal isi kulit mu
Kan ada hidup yang baru (2x)

Yang satu
Bermula di sini
Takkan hilang nanti
Bersatu teman abadi
Kan terus sejati
Menciptaa lagi memori

Green and garden

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 Edit This 0 Comments »
In a sudden, i love to see green and garden.. flowers and butterfly....
Hopes and dreams.. become reality....
Hopes and dreams.... become mine...

To have those dreams becomes reality, we have to strive for the best... never turn back.. and confident in making decision...

Lets your dreams turns into a beautiful garden....

Lets pray and strive for it...

@>>---- Indah

Why am i writing in this blog?

Friday, October 10, 2008 Edit This 0 Comments »
Why am i writing in this blog?

The main reason i'm creating this blog is as it was requested from our trainer to create and write a blog.

However, i find that blog can be simply a good platform for me to tell my friends anything...

I like to write.. i do hope that all my ex class of SPIKERs will continue blogging..

I miss you all....

@>>----- Indah

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Friday, October 10, 2008 Edit This 0 Comments »

As 'Hari Raya' can be celebrated in one month, i would like to wish all of my friends, especially the SPIKERs@KL batch 4 , that is, Mawi, Khalil, Wan Noorainie, faiz, Burn, Wan, Zuha, Ros, Ida, Nisa, Syed,Bakar, Hisham, Rafi, Izul,Fan, Acap,daus, Shikin,Soleh, Sya, Mat,Ros, Anwar, kirin and of course, our valuable trainer, En. Naim...

I do hope that we all can gathered around somewhere. Those all memory cant be replaced and too valuable for me... Selamat Hari Raya for you all.. and please forgive me for all my wrong doing.

Selamat Hari Raya....

"Jemput la datang umah...."


I am

Wednesday, October 08, 2008 Edit This 0 Comments »
I am Indah..
I am bored..
I am who i am..
I am going to miss everybody..
I am a simple person...
I am a person who like black and white...
I am sometimes lucky and few times not..
I am currently out of services..
I am blur..
I am Indah...

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